Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 115 - Making Plans

I only managed to get in one and a half hours of official exercise today, but it was definitely enough.  I did half an hour on the bike at lunch time, did a ton of running around getting ready for the trip tomorrow, and then did my muscle challenge class.  It was a really intense class tonight, so I am really happy with the amount of exercise.
Tomorrow we leave for the National Autism Association conference in Florida.  Dan will take care of Michael, so Steve and I get a mini vacation all alone.  What a concept!  I’m so glad tomorrow is a rest day.  That way I don’t need to worry about getting my exercise in while we are traveling.  My plan for the rest of the week is to exercise on the non-conference days, and just get as much walking in during the conference as I can.  I want to learn a lot, not stress a lot.  Plus, I’ve learned that a few days off once in a while really does help me recover.  I am really happy with this plan!

I do plan on keeping up with the blog while I am gone.  The focus may shift more into autism than exercise during the conference, but that’s not a bad thing.  I am really looking forward to getting away, taking some time off from work, learning new things, and spending time with Steve.
The challenge of the day was definitely fitting everything in.  I had to skip my yoga class tonight because I had my parent support group meeting at JSSA.  It’s something I try to get to every month, and I had missed two months straight, so I didn’t want to miss tonight.  But, it was a great meeting, and I am glad I juggled my schedule around.

The surprise of the day was really simple.  I interrupted Michael watching a video to ask him to take something into the kitchen for me.  He didn’t grumble, he just got up and said “I’d be happy to.”  It made my heart smile so big that he is still willing to help out, and that his language is getting more and more fluid every day.

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