Monday, September 17, 2012

Day 66 - Muscle Exhaustion

Today was much better than yesterday.  Work was fairly calm, with just a few flurries of chaos.  I can handle that.  Michael was much calmer, so I was much calmer.  Funny how that works!  Although right now I feel beat, exhausted, and far from calm.

I love the muscle challenge class, and I love yoga.  I just wish I had the stamina to do them back to back better.  But, I’ll get there.  Both of tonight’s classes were pretty intense.  I have a feeling that I’ll be finding the magsoothium before bed.  My arms and shoulders are still twitching, so I know that I worked them to their limits.  I’m exhausted, but proud of myself, too.
Tomorrow is an office day, and a rest day.  I’ve been doing a little bit of reading about the importance of breathing through your nose when you’re exercising.  I think I’ll do some more research in that direction.  With Michael and the hyperbaric chamber, I know how important oxygen is to health, and I’m really curious to learn more.  If you know of any good resources either for or against, please leave a comment?

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