Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 60 - Resting My Sore Muscles

Thank goodness for rest days!  It was so nice to come home after being out all day and just collapse for the evening and hang out with Steve and Michael.  It felt so lazy and decadent, but oh so nice.  Of course, I have muscles screaming at me, so there is always the reminder of reality.  But for now, I just want to focus on the rest and relaxation of the last several hours.  So nice!

But, I realize that at the muscle challenge class last night, I found my lower abs.  I have done sit-ups and other ab exercises where I felt my obliques and upper abdominal muscles, but nothing has ever touched the lower muscles.  Today, every time I laugh, cough, or move, I feel them.  I know it’s a great thing, but it is definitely catching me off guard.  And those biceps that I felt shaking last night?  They are definitely sore tonight.  But again, it’s a great thing.  I love that I can work hard enough to change my body. 
Tomorrow is going to be another super busy day.  I have class all day again, then will have to race home to get changed for the gym.  It will be a huge challenge to do two classes after sitting in a classroom all day long.  I know I’ll be ready for the movement, but I also know I’m going to be tired.  But, like always, I will just do the best I can.  I can’t ask or expect anything more than that.  But, I am looking forward to trying.

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