Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 104 - Mixed Emotions

I feel like I’m bouncing back and forth between all kinds of emotions.  Tonight I’m depressed.  I went to a new yoga class at the new LA Fitness in Gaithersburg and it was just really, really hard.  I guess I’ve gotten used to the instructors at Healthtrax.  They do a lot of hard poses, but always have modifications or something else I can do if it’s just too advanced for me.  Normally, I leave class inspired, being proud of what I accomplished.  Tonight, I felt depressed, and upset by everything I couldn’t do.  I will go again next week just because I’m stubborn that way.  Maybe a second attempt will be better.

It was also a really busy day.  I was in the office all day and then came home to get on the bike before yoga.  So, I was tired going into class.  But, no more tired than when I do two classes back to back.  And, I actually slept well last night, so I was more rested.  Like I said, maybe it’s just an off day and tomorrow, and next week, will be better.
The challenge of the day was not breaking down in frustration in the middle of class tonight.  I’m not normally a quitter, but I really just want to take my mat and go home.  But, I will stick it out.  The surprise of the day was when I walked in the door after class.  Steve and Michael were sitting at the kitchen table playing mini duets.  Steve was playing the lap harp and Michael was playing the piano app on Steve’s phone.  It was so sweet! 

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