Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 243 - Busy, Full Day

Today was another great day.  We had someone coming over right after work/school, so I spent my lunch break doing cardio cleaning.  I love it when the house is nice and orderly and clean.  It doesn’t happen all that often, so when it does, I savor it.  Now, if only I could my bedroom decluttered and cleaned.  That would be true heaven.

After our visitor left, I hopped on the elliptical and did a quick 30 minutes.  I was surprised to see that I was able to push a lot harder than before the resort. Where I was able to keep my calories/hour around 800-850 before, tonight I was able to keep it around 900.  It felt really good.  After dinner, I got on the bike for an hour.  My foot was cramping toward the end, but I finished.  I’ve really learned the value of just sticking it out and finishing.  I like that.
So, 90 minutes of hard cardio plus and hour of cardio cleaning.  Not a bad day!

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