Monday, August 12, 2013

Reassuring Monday

The scale hasn't been moving much the last couple weeks.  And, I've been really, really frustreated.  But, tonight, when I went to my regular classes at the gym, three separate people told me I looked smaller.  That really made me happy.  The only thing I can think of is that with all the strength training I've been focusing on, maybe I have put on a little bit of muscle.  Either way, I'm happy for positive comments! And, it counts for my daily gratitude.

Both my classes tonight were great.  The muscle challenge class was definitely challenging, but I think I held my own.  By the time I got to yoga, I was really, really tired.  But, I was able to hang in for most of the class.  For a few of the more complicated poses, I did go into child pose, but that's OK.  I had a great class, and got the week off to a wonderful start.

Weight:  297
Diet:  Great
Exercise:  Muscle Challenge, Yoga
Gratitude:  People noticing me getting smaller!

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