Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Total Exhaustion = Inner Calm

I had another personal training session at the house this afternoon.  Before she even got here, she had me do 30 minutes of intervals on the elliptical.  Then, things really got fun.  I am not sure I will be able to move tomorrow.  And that's after we stretched everything we worked!

What I love about personal training is that she knows just how far to push to get my absolute best performance, but never pushes beyond my ability.  Way, way beyond my comfort zone, but never my ability.  Today we did ab work on the ball, lots of leg work, lat pull downs, chest presses, chest flys, calf raises.. I can't even remember it all.  But, what I do know is that I  worked every muscle I own.  And then some.

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful.  When Michael got home from school, I took him in the chamber, and then I took him to the library.  I had some books to return, and he's really good about limiting the elevator rides.  So, we both won.  Some days are really good days, even if you finish exhausted.

The other thing I noticed was that I was pretty depressed this morning.  I had been hoping for faster results from the diet changes, and they just haven't been coming.  And, with Steve out of town, I get lonely.  But, after the workout, even though I was totally exhausted, I felt much more calm, less stressed, and less depressed.   I guess it's true - exercise is great therapy!

But, what I am thankful today is just Michael.  No matter what kind of day I'm having, his smile, or a hug can make all the stress melt away.  At least for a few minutes.  And, he's still small enough that if I ask for a cuddle, I get one.  Now, they are much shorter than they used to be, but they still melt my heart, and they still make everything better.  Thank you Michael!

Diet:  Great
Exercise:  30 minutes on the elliptical, Hour of Personal Training
Gratitude:  Michael

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