Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Quiet Day, Then Yoga

I decided not to do a personal training session today because my legs were still really, really sore from Sunday.  I think I strained my hamstring, or something similar.  So, a strenuous workout wasn't in the cards. 

But, yoga was perfect.  She did a flow with planks, side planks, and cobras.  It was definitely intense, and I'm sure I'll be feeling it in the morning.  Wow.  But, the bad news is that halfway through the workout, my knee started giving out. I was able to complete the workout, but I couldn't put full weight on the one knee. 

When I got home, I took an ibuprofin and put some ice on it.  I'm sure it will be better tomorrow, but I don't like this.  I am able to keep exercising, and I will.  I just need to make sure it's gentle and let my legs heal.  Frustrating!

But, there are plenty of things to be grateful for today.  The main one is that Michael is back to having a string of perfect days at school.  Whenever he is doing well, my mood improves and it seems like I can handle anything.  So, I am hoping this streak lasts for a while.

As far as my diet, I'm doing really well.  Once I got all the carbs out of my system, it's been a lot easier to stay away from them.  And, I ordered some ketostix from amazon.  They should arrive sometime tomorrow.  Once I get the ketostix, I will confirm that I am in ketosis, and then I'll try adding a few more veggies into my program.  As long as I can stay in ketosis and not have carb cravings, it would be great to add in more veggies.

So, that's the report for the day, with a quick summary:

Food:  Great
Exercise:  1 Hour of Yoga
Gratitude:  Michael's perfect day streak.

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