Saturday, March 1, 2014

BLRC - Day 7

Well, the official program is finished and people have started going home.  I won't have my final weigh in until tomorrow morning, and then I'll head to the airport.  But the hard part is all done.  I can't believe I made it through.  I am incredibly proud of myself, and incredibly tired.  Right now, I can't imagine how people stay for more than one week.  I guess that's why weekend's are so light.  You're pretty much finished by noon Saturday, and then have all day Sunday off.  There's a chance I'd be ready to go again by Monday.

Anyway, this morning was just one workout, but what a workout it was!  It was two hours long, and amazing.  First we warmed up on cardio equipment, and then the real workout started.  We alternated between one minute of hard cardio and weight bearing exercises like pushups, burpees, planks, etc.).  While we were doing the exercises, two people had to run the hall.  They did 10 ball slams at one end, put on a weight, ran down to the other end, ran back, did 10 ball slams, then came back into the room.  Those in the room had to keep doing the exercises until both people were back.  That was the first half of the workout, and went on for about an hour.

The second half of the workout was shorter, about 45 minutes.  This time, the majority of the class was doing exercises against a wall with an 8 or 10 pound weight.  That doesn't sound like much until you try doing overhead presses with it, forever.  The rest of the hallways was set up as an obstacle course, and two or three people ran it at a time, while we did wall exercises.  My course was fairly simple.  There were two ladders on the floor to step in and out of quickly, a stop for pushups and a stop for more ball slams.  Then, I got to run back as fast as I could to 'rescue' the group.  You read that right.  I actually ran.  Fast.  One of my friends said I had a look of pure joy on my face while I was running.  I can believe that.  It felt so good to actually be able to run.  Not a long distance, but still, it was huge for me. 

The last event was Graduation.  It's a good thing they pass out boxes of tissues!  We wrote ourselves a letter that they will mail at some point in the next month or two.  That was really emotional.  I wonder what it will be like when I get mine in the mail.  Then, we watched a video montage of everything we did this week.  Again, emotional.  But, the most emotional part was the last part.  We went around the room and told something we were leaving behind.

For me, I am leaving behind my fear and doubt.  I have learned that I can do hard things.  I also learned that I don't need to modify every exercise.  A lot, yes.  But, I really am stronger than I give myself credit for.  I really want to push myself more often.  Do a short run every now and then.  Push harder on my intervals. Maybe I'll even try that kickboxing class at the gym.  I want to stop limiting myself based on fear and see what I really can do.

Now, I am going to hang out with some friends and enjoy the rest of the day.  I probably won't post my results until I get home tomorrow night.  But, no matter what the scale says, I know my week here was successful beyond my wildest hopes. 

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