Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday Yoga and Peace

Tonight I went to my yoga practice with the sole intention of enjoying it.  I had no expectations of doing every pose, holding down dog for long periods of time, or doing the perfect plank.  I just wanted to go and move my body.  It turned out to be one of my best yoga sessions ever!

I think sometimes we place so many expectations on ourselves that we forget to enjoy what we're doing.  As much as I hate the whole idea of adrenal fatigue and needing to slow down, I'm actually thinking it can be a good thing.  I'm forcing myself to pay more attention, to really listen to what my body is saying.  I've heard the words for so long, but now I understand what they mean.

So, tonight's practice wasn't my best ever in terms of poses, but it was truly refreshing.  I enjoyed the movement, the stretch, the challenge.  When I felt I was pushing too hard, I found child pose.  When I was ready for a challenge, I pushed a bit.  I think that's the way practice is supposed to be.  It's so easy to get caught up in competition with yourself that you miss that point. 

By the time we got to savasanah I was ready.  I surprised myself at how fully relaxed I was able to get, and how refreshed I felt when it was done.  I think this is what it's supposed to be like.  I wonder what other surprises I will find in this side street on my journey.

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I think you've found the purpose of yoga!!! I hope your reset works well for you! Sometimes we push so hard that we do no good. Hugs :)
