Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 310 - Happy and Exhausted

The most important thing today is that it's Michael's Birthday. I can't believe my baby is eleven years old! How did that happen? He woke up in a good mood, and had a great day at school. When he got home, we did presents, and he was happy. Then, I snuck out to the gym.

I did my regular combination of muscle challenge class followed by yoga. Both classes were really intense tonight. But, I got tricked into upping my weight on the one arm row to 30 pounds! I was looking for a 25, but they were all in use, so I tried the 30. It hurt, but I did it. I am so proud of myself! And, I was able to hold a plank for 90 seconds. That's a record for me. So, again, I'm proud of myself tonight.

As usual, by the time I got to yoga, I was tired. But, she started class on the floor tonight, so I had a chance to catch my breath. That helped a lot, and I ende dup having a really good practice. I notice that I am able to hold my down dogs a lot longer, and I am getting more consistent in my three legged dogs. It's progress, and I'll take it!

So, now I am home reflecting on the day. I'm exhausted, but really happy. Michael had a great day and I had two great workouts. Tomorrow, I leave for Autism One. If the schedule is anything like it normally is, I won't have much free time to exercise. I will do the best I can, but I'm not going to stress.  I need a break every now and then, and this week will be it.  Of course, once I get back, I will hit it hard and get right back on track!

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