Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 166 - Modify and Move On!

Merry Christmas!  I’m really glad I decided to take a few days off and enjoy the holiday.  We went to PA to spend time with my family, and it was really, really good.  Michael loved seeing everyone, and so did I.  And, Santa was more than generous with all of us.  We ended up coming home a day earlier than planned because of weather, but it worked out.

The challenge today was associated with the weather.  I wasn’t sure if I would make it to the gym for my two classes tonight, so I hedged my bet by riding the bike for an hour this afternoon.  I was actually feeling a little antsy after taking a couple days off, and really needed to move.  Then, the weather warmed up enough that it was safe to go to the gym, and I ended up getting in a total of three hours today.
The surprise of the day was mostly that I made it through all three hours.  Although, my knee is really sore tonight.  It was great to move, and even better to realize that I actually missed it.  It felt amazing to be able to do some of the more complicated moves during the muscle challenge class.  And, even though my knee was throbbing by the time yoga was really started, I was happy that I could make enough modifications to keep going.  Modify and move on.  My new mantra!

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