Saturday, December 8, 2012

Day 148 - Twenty One Week Results

I’m kinda disappointed with the results this week.  I stayed exactly the same.  I guess on one hand, I should be happy that I didn’t gain anything.  I know I’ve been whining a lot about the doctor changing my medicine, but it really has been fairly major.  I think I’m starting to get used to it, but I’m not sure if I feel like I’m supposed to.  I guess by this time next week I’ll know for sure.
The challenge today was just a stress level.  I was really disappointed when I got on the scale this morning, and it carried over more than it should have.  I didn’t get as much accomplished as I had hoped, but at least I did get my exercise in.

The surprise was that I actually enjoyed the yoga class at the ‘new’ gym this morning.  It was more active than some of the more relaxing classes, but not so demanding that I couldn’t keep up.  It was actually a very nice balance.  Then, I did an hour on the bike, and was proud of myself for getting both hours in relatively early in the day.
This week I am really going to focus on making the changes the doctor recommended, following through on the order, and hoping to see a good number on the scale next week.

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