Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 58 - Eight Week Results!!

OK, a day late, but hopefully worth the wait!  Eight weeks in and I’m at 332.5.  That’s 15.5 pounds down in eight weeks.  It’s a lot slower than I was hoping for when I started this journey, but I’m still thrilled.  When I look at the starting vs. today picture, I can finally see whole body changes.  I keep looking at the picture and smiling.  That says a lot!

Today was a busy day, and made getting the exercise in a challenge.  Steve came home from the wedding early this morning, so I didn’t get to go to water aerobics this morning.  As soon as he got settled, I asked him to take the progress pictures.  Then, Michael had KEEN Music at 12:30, followed by a picnic in Virginia.  We didn’t get home until almost 4.  That’s really, really late for me to start exercising.  But, after the weigh in and pictures this morning, I wasn’t going to let anything slow me down today.
On the way home I really had to give myself a pep talk.  But, once we put everything away, I popped in a five mile walking DVD and I was off.  I was more tired than normal, just because of running around all afternoon.  But, it ended up being a good workout.  Then, we had a DVR’d football game to look forward to.

We ate dinner during the first half of the game and then I was on the bike for 45 minutes during the second half.  I even managed to keep my average heart rate at 123!  So, that really does reinforce for me that my legs are getting stronger and my stamina is improving.  It’s taken the full eight weeks to get here, but it feels great!  And, the Redskins won, so I’m on top of the world tonight.


  1. It's amazing how sometimes 15 pound goes unnoticed (or 25 in my case, VERY few people have ever commented) while other times, there are obvious and MASSIVE changes easily seen! You are doing so well :) Love you!

  2. Congratulations!! 25 pounds is a LOT! Thank you so much for all your support and inspiration!!!!!! Love you back!!
